Endless opportunities for safety, growth, and connection.


Ten Virtues of a Positive Safety Culture

If you feel a strong impulse to act and change things about how you are ‘doing safety,’ then this book is for you. Even if you don’t feel you can formulate a clear plan with measurable outcomes or deliverables, you probably have values and commitments inside of you that you want to get out—into your organization, into the world, to start doing good there. Maybe you are honestly aching to nourish your soul, having deprived it for so long in an environment of chasing incident targets, manipulative injury ‘management,’ disciplinary actions, evil HR policies, and infantilizing poster campaigns.

All books

Random Noise: Measuring Your Company’s Safety Performance

In the realm of safety management, this book embarks on a profound exploration of how the political economy was reshaped in the last two decades.

Stop Blaming

Do you want to restore trust, learning, and a sense of humanity? Focus on the impacts of an incident, how to address them, and who is responsible for taking action.

Restorative Just Culture in Practice

A practical guide to implementing and evaluating restorative practices and creating a sustainable just, restorative culture.

Do Safety Differently

In recent years, a new approach to work safety has emerged globally, driving significant improvements in how work is done and inspiring organizations to enhance their safety performance.

Compliance Capitalism

This book identifies the market mechanisms that explain how less government paradoxically leads to greater compliance burdens for almost all workers.

Foundations of Safety Science

How are today's 'hearts and minds' programs linked to a late-19th century definition of human factors as people's moral and mental deficits?

Safety Anarchist

Work has never been as safe as it seems today. Safety has also never been as bureaucratized as it is today. It’s time for Safety Anarchists: people who trust people more than process.

The End of Heaven

In his most personal book to date, Sidney Dekker tackles a largely unexplored dilemma: how our growing scientific understanding of why things go wrong actually makes it harder to explain why we suffer.

Just Culture

A just culture is a culture of trust, learning, and accountability. Why do your people break rules? How do you respond? Accountability is crucial. But there is more to it than meets the eye.

The Field Guide to Understanding Human Error

So you think you can solve safety problems by telling your people to be more careful, reprimanding the miscreants, or issuing new rules? Think again.

Safety Differently

The second edition of a bestseller, Safety Differently: Human Factors for a New Era is a complete update of Ten Questions About Human Error: A New View of Human Factors and System Safety.

Second Victim

How do people cope with “causing” a terrible accident? When they survive and must live with the consequences? We tend to blame and forget them. But they are victims too.

This is your invitation to do better. Are you ready to accept?

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