Books By Sidney Dekker
*The Latest* Random Noise: Measuring Your Company's Safety Performance
In the realm of safety management, this book embarks on a profound exploration of how the political economy was reshaped in the last two decades. Much like privatization, deregulation, and financialization altered the economic landscape, this narrative unveils how safety management has been affected by the intertwined dynamics of asset underinvestment, privatization, self-regulation, workplace flexibilization, and market-driven policies.
Safety Differently
The second edition of a bestseller, Safety Differently: Human Factors for a New Era is a complete update of Ten Questions About Human Error: A New View of Human Factors and System Safety.
Foundations of Safety Science
How are today's 'hearts and minds' programs linked to a late-19th century definition of human factors as people's moral and mental deficits?
Second Victim
How do people cope with having "caused" a terrible accident? How do they cope when they survive and have to live with the consequences ever after? We tend to blame and forget professionals who cause incidents and accidents, but they are victims too.
Patient Safety
Increased concern for patient safety has put the issue at the top of the agenda of practitioners, hospitals, and even governments. The risks to patients are many and diverse, and the complexity of the healthcare system that delivers them is huge.
Behind Human Error
Human error is cited over and over as a cause of incidents and accidents. The result is a widespread perception of a 'human error problem', and solutions are thought to lie in changing the people or their role in the system.
Ten Questions About Human Error
Ten Questions About Human Error asks the type of questions frequently posed in incident and accident investigations, people's own practice...
Compliance Capitalism
This book identifies the market mechanisms that explain how less government paradoxically leads to greater compliance burdens for almost all workers...
Do Safety Differently
Over the last several years a new way to think about the safety of work has found its way into many organizations around the world. This new way to think about safety is leading to some important improvements in how work is being done and every organization wants to improve their safety performance.
Stop Blaming: Create a restorative just culture
This book tells you how to respond restoratively. It lays out how to bend your response away from rules and violations and consequences. And to stay away from flow-chart just cultures that supposedly try to match shades of culpability with suitable sanctions. Instead, it invites you to ask what the impacts are of the incident. And what needs to be done to fix those impacts. And whose obligation is it to go do that.
Random Noise: Measuring Your Company's Safety Performance
In the realm of safety management, this book embarks on a profound exploration of how the political economy was reshaped in the last two decades. Much like privatization, deregulation, and financialization altered the economic landscape, this narrative unveils how safety management has been affected by the intertwined dynamics of asset underinvestment, privatization, self-regulation, workplace flexibilization, and market-driven policies.